Saving Our Land

Saving Our Land

Movie Information

"Saving Our Land", a follow up from “Panguna Mine Dilemma” on the struggle of the Indigenous population of Mekamui/Bougainville against the re-opening of Panguna mine by Rio Tinto's subsidy Bougainville Copper Limited. Panguna mine brought many problems to Mekamui and the war and ten year military blockade which followed its closure in 1989 has cost the lives of 20,000 people, which was a fifth of the population. None of the indigenous people living on the Land and from the Land want the mine re-opened. They have opposed the principles of large-scale- mining already in the 60's before the mine was opened and just want to live in peace and harmony without the intrusion of international companies ripping them of their resources and destroying and polluting their island.