Movies directed by kanzo-matsuura

Fighter of the Sun Leona - The Battlefield was too far

Burning Action Superheroine Chronicles - Sailor Cats Vol.1

Burning Action Superheroine Chronicles - Sailor Cats Vol.2

Zombie Dead

Burning Action Super Heroine Chronicles 37 - Sailor Striker

Sun Rangers

JK Slayer

Heroine Pinch Omnibus 26 -Lord of the Dragon


Burning Action Super Heroine Chronicles 28 - Melty Saver

Demonic Heroine in Peril

Heroine Ultimate Witch Hunter


A Fist Full of Fuku

JK Slayer Yaksa

太陽の戦士レオーナ PTA魔人ヒステリア編

Dark Area: Green Alien

新・ヒロイン危機一髪!!05 星撃戦隊チャージV ~チャージホワイトVS1億三千万人~